Thursday, October 22, 2009

I'm a stay at home what?

Hi, I'm Josh Bennett and I'm a stay at home dad.

What? Who said that? That's how I introduce myself now? Up until three months ago I was making upwards of a six figure salary, had an unlimited budget and frequently networked with CEOs of Fortune 100 Corporations and ad agencies. Now I'm researching cloth diapers, breaking down the nutritional value in a box of Goldfish crackers and chasing my one-year-old bottomless daughter around the house with a diaper in one hand and wipes in the other.

How did a guy who grew up in a below middle class family whose main objective in life was to be the opposite of how his parents were in all aspects (especially financially) get here? I didn't get laid off or fired. I was well-respected at work from the CFO down and was juggling two high-level positions. In fact, in the new year, I was most likely getting promoted again with another pay increase. In a year of such job-related turmoil, where the stock market is crashing, 401Ks are plummetting and large corporations are folding, I just up and left.

Now, I didn't just wake up one day and say "screw it, I quit." There are a series of events that led up to it. Most are heart-wrenching stories that I don't wish upon any family. I'll share most of these events...maybe not now, but someday.

I have a beautiful family. A one year old daughter named Ava who I may refer to as monster, terrorist or lady at points. She is a healthy little girl who pulls on my heartstrings daily. I have gorgeous wife, my soul mate, who is a litigation lawyer at a top NYC law firm. She has done more for me than any husband could dream of and I couldn't picture my life without her. And to top it all off we are now pregnant with our second child.

So here I am. A 31-year-old male who spends a majority of his waking moments doing everything to make sure Ava is here to witness another day. A year ago I was spending most of my time traveling North America, smoking cigars with corporate presidents, entertaining 40+ people at major league sporting events and looking over a sales team bringing in tens of millions annually. But today? Today I was playing blocks on my living room floor with Ava when she stopped, looked me dead in eyes, raised her eyebrows then proceeded to throw up three times all over me, herself and the carpet. Can I expense the carpet cleaning?

This blog will not be centered around "males in society" and how I'm viewed or the "Mr. Mom phenomenon," but rather will just be a place where I can share my stories. Share how a simpleton like me got here. Share events in my life - the good, bad and ugly that others may relate to. Share the experiences of what it's like to have one of the most important jobs in the world - raising children.

I will ramble at times, my grammar will suck (my wife will edit though) and I may just stop writing halfway through. Keep in mind my blogging times are subject to when Ava decides it's ok to release me of my duties. In some ways I'm hoping people will see this and share their experiences or just even tell me it's ok, you're doing a good job. I'm also hoping to connect with other SAHDs in the Brooklyn, NY area that are scared or tired of doing it alone. Maybe I'll have 20 followers or maybe none. Either way, it's irrelevant. All I need is my family by my side.


  1. Congrats and welcome to the mighty blogosphere!

  2. Great blog! The who-(if-anyone)-should-stay-home debate flirts around our home often but neither of us has taken the plunge. I look forward to hearing of your SAHD parenting adventures and will not-so-discreetly forward your blog on to my hubby!


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